gender-affirming voice

Many transgender and gender-nonconforming (TGNC) people experience discomfort or dysphoria around the way that they sound. Not all, certainly! But if you're clicked on the link to this page, a mismatch between voice and self might be a source of distress for you, or for someone you love.

The good news is that there are effective ways to address voice dysphoria through speech therapy. Speech therapy focused on vocal training can help you develop a voice that is more in line with your sense of self, and do so in a way that is healthy, sustainable for you, and not damaging to your vocal cords or speech mechanisms.

For transfeminine people, this can mean helping you achieve a habitual pitch in a range that reads to others as "feminine," but without sounding forced or unnatural. And unlike voice-feminization surgeries, speech therapy is non-invasive. (In fact, gender-affirming speech therapy is recommended even if you are planning on surgery to alter your pitch.)

For transmasculine people, hormonal therapy with testosterone will typically deepen your pitch, but vocal therapy can still make a difference in how your voice presents to others, helping you to make the most of your articulation to help your voice sound deeper or more adult. 

Voice therapy can also be appropriate for non-binary or genderqueer people! Therapy can help you find a voice that falls in a more neutral habitual pitch than you currently use. It can let you expand your vocal range in a comfortable, natural way, without causing strain or stress.